Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gone fishing

So there is a new expansion coming up. It's very early days, but the domain has been claimed by Blizzard, and that means a decision has been made. That means that part of the company is working on a new expansion.

Meanwhile, I got removed from a group that was going to farm some HC instances because my damage was too low. DPS and tank were all Ulduar level gear so that explains the gap I suppose. Too bad the idiot that wanted me out spent about half an hour coming to that decision and kept the rest of us waiting while we could have cleared another HC.

E-peening is all well and good, but true pros know when to swing that thing. It does sting though. Back when retribution was made of suck, in TBC, I prided myself on being able to keep with or even outdps equal-geared players, and when Wrath just launched I went all out to get the best pre-raid gear. I outdpsed (almost) anything back then, giving rogues a run for their money on single target fights.

And then I took a break, because the fanatic way I was playing was taking its toll on my private life. And when I came back, I had this level 71 to level up, while people were clearing Ulduar.

I'm not going to bother. Dragon Filet does 100 gold on the AH. I'm going fishing.


  1. Hey mon, dis be de offical Shattered Halls spokesman and ambassador speakin' mon. I be wonderin' how things be doin'

  2. How ya be mon, what about 2012?

  3. Out DPS's almost anything?!?!?! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

    I'm sure Me, yodda, Liandra, Moonbiter, Zeddicus and fuck it, even the guild cat out DPS'd you. /giggles.
