Saturday, January 31, 2009


Fuck. There was a time when I could down two bottles of wine and that would be just to get the party started. That's slightly exaggerated, but I wasn't exactly shy when it came to boozing. Those days seem to be over as well.

Today, I brought home a bottle of cheap (very cheap) wine and I had two or three glasses around dinnertime. I'm now sitting here wincing every time I look up at the screen and hoping the headache is going to fade soon. I'm getting old it seems. Or maybe just older.

When I would be asked to choose between the two I'd go for gaming over alcohol, so I might as well drop this forgotten habit now that I'm at it anyway. Speaking of gaming, why are other games to so fucking boring compared to WoW? I bought Forza 2 today, since racing games were always my big favourite but it could hardly hold my attention for more than thirty minutes.

WoW-wise, the cravings are pretty much gone. I miss looking at Wraaks big...umm...mace or Vandobben's sexay ass (male belflol ftw) from time to time but it's under control. I can do without the game and, like yesterday, I got more other stuff done. I swapped my Sons of Hodir for Cleaning the Kitty Litter, and I farmed the supermarket instead of the saronite.

Ok, it's not like I didn't go to the supermarket when I was still playing. But at least now I take the time, instead of squeezing it in while travelling between two flight points. That was kinda sick when I look back on it. In fact, it's amazing I almost always came back with the right stuff.

But now, it's saturday night, the kids are asleep and the house is cleaned up. NOW I'd love to log on and pug something, or grind some rep, or level some alt. I think I will, too, after this month is over. Maybe I should try a month with WoW after this month, keeping in mind to do all the RL stuff that's going so well at the moment before logging on.

This is getting scientific.

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