Thursday, April 2, 2009

Food for Thought

Here some things to keep your heads occupied:


- Normally speaking, I would be slightly surprised to find out that my employers, a recruitment agency, keep a large jerrycan of turpentine in the kitchen at our office. Today however, I was merely thankful for that fact.

Why is that?

Hint: I rode my bike this morning, and it has gear shifting troubles


- It may be good to see justice served, but is it fun to watch a person you don't like and can't get along with no matter what you do claim her triumph over the other party, even if she had the truth on her side?

Do stupid people deserve the same justice I would want for myself?

Hint: stupid cow co-worker bitch has had "an argument" about working folk ravaging her floor*, apparantly she has won.

*) Her floor, yes. I'm guessing they wouldn't ravage her even if they'd been lost at sea for ten years. I wouldn't. I got sick even thinking of the possibility.

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