Friday, February 6, 2009

"Because we are grownups now, and it's our turn to decide what that means."

Hi guise, xkcd is a brilliant webcomic, but the episode I posted above just stands out. It moves me everytime I read it because it's so simple and so pure in it's innocence. And that innocence is what makes this one so good. I've noticed that, as my life smoothly slipped from my restless twenties to my quieter thirties that, even if you know better, as a couple with kids you try to comply with this image that exists of how "things should be".

A clean (sterile is prefered!) house, well groomed children, a car, a house, a mortgage etcetera etcetera. It seems like an endless list of stuff I need to have or do. While in fact, the opposite is true. For example if I had risked everything to get a mortgage and buy my own house six months ago, I'd be out on the street by now.

The (my) truth is that the superimposed image of the perfect family is not a conspiracy by evil megacompanies or governements. Those parties just utilise that image to achieve their own goals. I think the image is present in all of us. I think we all have a certain image of how a certain state of phase in your life has to look.

The sooner you can let go of that image, and fill your room with playpen balls, the better.

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