Thursday, February 5, 2009

Progress without raiding o_0

Yeah thats right bitchez. I'm making RL progress! So much that I couldn't be arsed to blog last night. Lots of stuff going ON though. My wife is getting ready to get back to studying and I'm quite busy lining up a new job. Anything to get out of this dump, to be honest.

Looking at last week, I started out with some SRS CRVNGS for teH WOWZ. But for some reason, I stuck to the promise I made myself; no WoW for at least a month. And it worked. Forza2 is turning out to be more fun than expected, and daughter dearest stole a police car yesterday. She also had some trouble getting to sleep last night and it did not stress me out. In fact, since I quit WoW hardly anything does.

It soooo bleh to say it, but I really feel better. The evenings just seem so much easier with no pressure for dailies or raids. Now you could say that you can play the game without bothering with that stuff, but I didn't buy a game to play half of it. I've never been able to plan in a raid schedule and that has always been bothersome for me, since I have had to skip parts of the game due to that. I'm not interested in undressing my game experience even more, just to keep playing.

Thanks to a few very understanding people in a couple of very nice guilds I've managed to raid some TBC and Wrath stuff. But to be honest, why the hell would I want to keep doing that? And where does it end? Ulduar is coming out soon... So what? I realize I stopped caring about it today. I'm really grabbing some distance this week, finally being able to put some neutral ground between me and Warcraft, and being able to look at the game and the time it would consume, and the things it would draw attention from.

I've come to the conclusion it's not worth it anymore. My first intention was to stay clean for a month, and then play for month, and then make up my mind, but I think I don't need to do that anymore. I think my decision is made.

/target everyone I've met in that crazy pixelfest

Catch ya on the flipside, and remember:



  1. Hmm, well... if you quit... feel free to give me your gold. (I was cheeky enough to ask 1st!) lol

  2. It's like breaking up with a boyfriend the way you describe your anti-WOW feelings. Really.

  3. "but I didn't buy a game to play half of it"

    wanneer ben je dan op de helft? want na de volgende komt er weer een volgende uit, en dan? hoeveel peperdure schijfjes komen er daarna nog?
    je kan beter spelletjes spelen met een eindbaas end dan niets, dat is beter voor iedereen.

    Wow is a waste of time and money.

  4. Most pastimes are a waste of time and/or money. Doesn't mean they are bad.
